Snop Automotive, Morocco

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Project Details


Automotive manufacturing


Flooring Application
A2S Rinol Rocland

Floor Size
18,000 m2

RCR Systems

RCR Products
Permaban AlphaJoint
Rocland Qualitop Millenium black
Dramix 3D80/60BG

Technical Notes
Jointless Conductil floor, panel 30 x 30 SFRC. After 6 years of intense use (heavy duty), the surface is in perfect condition, with just some local repairs next to steel joints (resin to replace damaged concrete in high traffic areas).
The customer is very satisfied, and will use the same solution for future extension (except with Permaban Signature in high traffic areas).
Even European visitors (from SNOP group and even automotive customers) were impressed by the quality of the floor, giving a good impression for the whole plant.

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